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about me
Alotta my pals say that I am pretty random, and i like to think out side of the box alot. Im pretty crazy but not in the straight jacket sorta way ya kno. I like to send letters to my friends cuz everyone likes to get real mail every once and a while. I also like to leave messages on answering machines. Those are a few joys in my life. Another joy in my life is my friends. They put happy into my life just being there. They are my favorite people and I would do anything for them. There are many other joys in my life such as my dog and writing. There are sum downs too but the good stuff makes up for it. Ya can't let the bad bring ya down too much bcuz then life gets a little harder everyday cuz its just bringin ya down. Movin on, Im kinda spastic and goofy and thats aways fun. I like to have fun and smile and have a good time. I'm never usually serious but sometimes I am when I write. Other than that, I usually am never serious cuz its just not me. It would just be weird. But hey I'm weird too and sponaneous so ya never know what to expect outta me I am just a firecracker that just never stops goin. Ya think the pop stops but no it keeps on goin. I can also be refered to as spark plug cuz i dunno i guess im sparky but okay. Thats about all the main stuff, you'll learn the rest in time.
her smiling eyes
this is your cue. smile.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I'm home.
Home home home.

Home is where my room is. Home is where my shit is. Home is all of my belongings in my designated area. Home is where my family lives. Home is near my friends. Home is what I go to when I am done being away.

Basically, home is familiarity.
It'll change when you move. It'll change depending on who you're with.

I noticed at my cabin with Vickie that when we were done biking, she'd say "let's head home"
And I knew she didn't mean Lake County. Fuck, 384 miles later...

No, she meant my cabin. A newfound familiarity. Cabin is not home. Cabin is familiar to both of us. Therefore, cabin is understood as home.

My friend's house's are home.
Carbondale is home.
Soon, my dorm will be my home.
Then my apartment or house will be my home.

Anywhere can be home once you become familiar with it.
With familiarity comes comfort.
Comfort comes in all shapes and sizes.

Music, art, photography, sports equiptment, smells, sounds, colors, people...
The list goes on.

Lately, I've let go of my comfort zone. Like an astronaut disconnecting his/herself from the rocket and letting his or herself float into space.

Some people call me a nomad now. I've always been a drifter. Now I am just not afraid to experience the outside. Experience everything I don't know.

Everyday, I become more and more familiar with the people in this world by interacting or simply observing. We are all so different, but yet, in the end, people are just people. They are no different than me. If I am correct, we are walking on the same earth, breathing the same polluted air and using our lungs to sift out the oxygen while we exhale the carbon monoxide (or dioxide? fuck me if i'm wrong, it's 2:46am). Living, breathing, feeling.

Intimidating? Not in the least when you think about it that way.
We all put on a front that we are not interested. But in reality, we are so curious.
That's why people look up when you walk by. Look over to see what you are reading. Peek at what CD's you have.
So curious but so shy and reserved. It's been drilled into our heads not to talk to strangers that it's a surprise we meet anybody anymore. No one sparks conversations. Or at least feel comfortable in continuing them.

We are all so awkward. Shy, curious, and awkward. And it's so funny because we can learn so much from each other, let alone, make a new friend.

I want to meet as many people as I can.
My mind is like a sponge and I am just soaking everything in.

And now, I finally sleep in my bed for the first time in two weeks.

Jenny at 2:30 AM

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